Utsuke Bron

Information Network


Tonight somewhere in the bar

History is simply “His – Story.” It is the story of God and His plan for mankind. God is not limited by time because He created it! His knowledge of history is perfect, He knows every detail of the present, and exactly how the future will…

Tonight somewhere in the bar

There are more people visiting Hawaii during summer vacation. I hope everyone 's summer vacation will be comfortable for those going to and from Hawaii!The photo is Hualalai Resort in Hawaii. WILL 中島 美嘉 J-Pop ¥250 provided courtesy of…

Tonight somewhere in the bar

Three tables' beach of Oahu North Shore. There are three rocks like a table in front of the beach. It is easy to understand naming (^ ^) 恋時雨 湘南乃風 J-Pop ¥250 provided courtesy of iTunes America beer アメリカ ビールハワイ ビール コナ…