Utsuke Bron

Information Network


Tonight at some bar

Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth and the life.” Truth exists above perspective. The sun rose today. Gravity exists. We need air to breathe. These are truths beyond perspective and opinion. In the same way, if people don’t believe in t…

Tonight at some bar tonight

People often get overwhelmed when trying to read the Bible. Where do you start? Don’t be intimidated. Remember, God’s words were written so that you may know Him! His love, grace, and tenderness are inviting you to read more. There are se…

Tonight at some bar tonight

The Bible contains 66 individual books, written in three languages, spanning 1,500 years, on three continents, and composed by more than 40 different authors with a variety of backgrounds. Amazingly, the Bible is completely unified in its…