Utsuke Bron

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Tonight at some bar tonight

Praising God clarifies our lives. When we praise Him, we shift the attention from ourselves to the beauty of His Name. We gain confidence in who God is, in His unfailing love. Declare what is true about God today. Pray, “I praise You LORD…

Tonight at some bar tonight

The road we walk as Christians is filled with traps. Satan and his deceiving spirits (called demons) seek to distract, discourage, and entangle us from living for Jesus. The good news is that God is MUCH greater! Be on guard today. Realiz…

Tonight at some bar tonight

God’s Word teaches that His mercy is new and fresh every day! Life is full of difficulty, stress and pain, but in Jesus you can live in the constant care of your Heavenly Father. Come to God’s throne as often as you need to! Cry out for h…

Tonight at some bar tonight

“How should I pray?” Jesus’ closest friends asked Him this very question. In response, Jesus taught them a beautiful short prayer. This prayer is called the Lord’s Prayer and it serves as a powerful guide in shaping your prayers to God. W…

Tonight at some bar tonight

God knows all things. His knowledge is perfect but also personal. This means He knows exactly what is going on in your life right now. He is intimately aware of your thoughts and the deep desires of your heart. He even knows how many hair…

Tonight at some bar tonight

Are you ever afraid to pray? Maybe the thought of approaching such a perfect and powerful God is scary? Rest assured. God is also infinitely GOOD! He welcomes you to Himself through the sacrifice of Jesus. Start praying by saying, “Good m…

Tonight at some bar tonight

WHAT IS PRAYER?Prayer is simple but powerful. If we have trusted in Jesus, God sees us as completely clean and welcomes us to Himself. Think about how amazing this is! At any time, silently or out loud, we can come to the Eternal God of a…

Tonight at some bar tonight

ソーヴィニヨン・ブラン トロピカルフルーツの風味も心地よい、 日本ならではソーヴィニヨン・ブランの味わいを目指して。日本の白ワイン用品種で、最も栽培面積が大きいのはシャルドネですが、ここ数年、にわかに増加の兆しが見えてきたのがソーヴィニヨン…

Tonight at some bar tonight

The natural life, lived apart from God, is at war with life in the Holy Spirit. Left to our best efforts, we ALL fail miserably when trying to tame our sinful hearts. Jesus taught that we must be “born again.” He said, “flesh gives birth …

Tonight at some bar tonight

The world is full of false gods, injustice, betrayal, sickness, death, and darkness. Satan’s singular mission is to destroy people’s lives. Jesus’ mission is to set people free so they may truly live! Be aware of Satan’s schemes, today. R…

Tonight at some bar tonight

From the smallest drop of water to the brightest star in the sky, ALL of creation declares the glory of its Creator. One of the most destructive lies Satan has ever told is that the world evolved all by itself, through random chance. Sadl…

Tonight at some bar tonight

The world is filled with lies, but God’s Kingdom radiates truth. Living a Spirit-Filled Life means you will begin to think differently - you will actively seek to be transformed through the renewing of your mind. What lies have you believ…

Tonight at some bar tonight

Hawaii travel ideas for your next romantic getawaySpice things up with these unconventional dates across the Hawaiian Islands. Whether you’ve just sparked a new flame or rekindling a longstanding one, there’s no better place than the Isla…

Tonight at some bar tonight

Our new life in Christ compels us to live like Jesus. As the Fruit of the Spirit grows in us, we will undoubtedly have an effect on those around us. Our faith will become obvious to all as we genuinely love and serve others. You have been…

Tonight at some bar tonight

What is the key to living a Spirit Filled Life? Staying vitally connected to Jesus! Fruit grows in direct proportion to the amount of water, sunshine, and rich soil it receives. In the same way, spiritual fruit – things like, love, joy, an…

Tonight at some bar tonight

Goodness, love, peace, and generosity. We only know these qualities because they exist within God Himself. In fact, EVERYTHING that is good comes from Him alone! Praise God for living within you today. He is the ONLY reason you have anyth…

Tonight at some bar tonight

We often try to live good and moral lives without God’s help. This is not only dangerous, but extremely ineffective. Jesus said, “Apart from me you can do nothing.” Make it your aim to connect with Jesus many times each day. As a Christia…

Tonight at some bar tonight

Feelings come and go. We can be sad one moment, but happy the next! Jesus cares about the way you feel, but feelings are not alw ays trustworthy. Your faith in God must be greater than the way you feel from day-to-day. There is a great pr…

Tonight at some bar tonight

Spiritual breathing is an exercise that has helped millions of people. Take a deep breath. Let the air fill your lungs. Now EXHALE. As you do so, confess your sin to God. Remember, Christ has forgiven your past, present, and future sins t…

Tonight at some bar tonight

Sin separates. It cuts us off from experiencing peace and true life with God. Through Jesus Christ, God has dealt with our sin problem. Jesus stepped in to take the punishment that your sins deserved. God now says: “You are forgiven. The …

Tonight at some bar tonight

Do you find it difficult to release certain areas of your life to God? You are not alone! The truth is, we all want to control our lives. One of the keys to living a joyful life in Christ is to constantly place Him in His rightful place –…

Tonight at some bar tonight

The needs in the world are great. Therefore, the Lord has given unique gifts to His people to carry out His work. Gifts such as healing, wisdom, and faith are blessings that benefit the entire Body of Christ. Although there are different …

Tonight at some bar tonight

Jesus taught us to love the Lord our God with all of our heart, soul, mind, and strength. This means placing God above everything. God wants you to manage your life well. How can you serve God with your time? What about your money? Freedo…

Tonight at some bar tonight

You were born into a fight. This fight exists deep within you as your natural self wages war against your new life in Jesus Christ. Romans 8 is an incredible chapter in the Bible that describes how we can live in victory through Jesus and…

Tonight at some bar tonight

Do you want to live in victory? Do you want to experience God’s presence and power no matter what? This is the promise we have as believers in Jesus Christ! Jesus is your LIVING and VICTORIOUS King! Through the Resurrection, He defeated S…

Tonight at some bar tonight

A “carnal” person has a limited faith in God. He may believe in God but does not ultimately want God to be in control. In a way, this person has “one foot in and one foot out.” This is no way to live life. It results only in confusion, wo…