Utsuke Bron

Information Network


Tonight somewhere in the bar

Jesus makes all things right. He “redeems” by paying the price that our sins deserved. How did He do this? By stepping in to take our punishment. Jesus willingly endured brutal torture – death by crucifixion – because of His great love fo…

Tonight somewhere in the bar

After Jesus died He was taken to a tomb where a massive stone guarded its entrance. But early Sunday morning – on the third day – an earthquake shook the ground and the tomb opened! Jesus rose from the grave, conquering Satan, sin, and th…

Tonight somewhere in the bar

Scripture says that God’s mighty power at work within us is able “…to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think.” (Ephesians 3:20) How can this be? Because Jesus has sent the Holy Spirit who lives in each of His followers! He …

Tonight somewhere in the bar

Are you living a Spirit-filled life? This means that you have put Christ on the throne of your life – He is not just your Savior, but also your Master and Lord. You take direction from Him through the Holy Spirit who now lives in you! As …

Tonight somewhere in the bar

A “carnal” person has a limited faith in God. He may believe in God but does not ultimately want God to be in control. In a way, this person has “one foot in and one foot out.” This is no way to live life. It results only in confusion, wo…

Tonight somewhere in the bar

Can you believe something in your head but not in your heart? Many people miss Heaven by 18 inches - the distance between their head and heart! Knowing what God has done is not enough. God asks you to respond. Believe in Jesus by placing …

Tonight somewhere in the bar

When a person places faith in Jesus, the Holy Spirit comes to breathe new life into that person. New desires, convictions, and comforts now guide this new believer to live a life of faith that honors God. スカイ・ハイ ジグソー ロック ¥250…

Tonight somewhere in the bar

For more than 30 years Jesus grew, lived a simple life, and worked as a humble carpenter. Jesus began His ministry at the age of 30. His followers (called disciples) were mostly fishermen and common people. Jesus spent much of His time wi…

Tonight somewhere in the bar

All children long for the protection and blessing of a good loving father. Tragically, many people are never blessed with this important human need. No human can ever perfectly measure up to being a perfect father. However, our Father in …