Utsuke Bron

Information Network


Tonight somewhere in the bar

It seems to have been from long ago when I went to Hawaii for the first time, but it is a rotation observation restaurant of Waikiki that I have never been to. There are quite a lot of such places (^ ^) 想い出の渚 ザ・ワイルドワンズ ロッ…

Tonight somewhere in the bar

Black sand beach of Punaru, Island of Hawaii. Sea turtles are coming (^ - ^) Stay (I Missed You) リサ・ローブ ポップ ¥200 provided courtesy of iTunes 【ハワイビール】 コナビール ビッグウェーブ ゴールデンエール 650mlジャンル: ビールショッ…

Tonight somewhere in the bar

Tree tunnel in the middle of the trail going to Manoa Falls. I will move through a deep green mountain. 海と花束 きのこ帝国 ロック ¥200 provided courtesy of iTunes 【ハワイビール】 プリモビール 355mlジャンル: ビールショップ: びあマ価格: 4…

Tonight somewhere in the bar

Don't forget to bring a jacket... seriously! The view of Waikiki Beach and Diamond Head is steller, but considering you have traveled a minimum of 2,500 miles to arrive here, get out there and explore. ナギイチ NMB48 J-Pop ¥250 provided c…

Tonight somewhere in the bar

Adult sunset time magic Hawaii When bread is baked, a small amount of yeast causes the whole loaf to expand. Jesus talked about yeast in a symbolic way. In our lives, “yeast” can be any kind of sin. Is hypocrisy, jealousy, cruelty, or lus…

Tonight somewhere in the bar

If there are no clouds on the horizon, you can see the sun going down. Maybe you can see a green flash (^ ^) 砂浜 杏里 J-Pop ¥250 provided courtesy of iTunes コナビール ロングボード ラガー 瓶355mlx24本 ハワイアンビール 輸入ビールジャンル:…

Tonight somewhere in the bar

From the sea side room of Kuhio Street hotel. If you are on the upper floor, you can see the sea as it is (^ ^) Wipe Out ザ・サーファリーズ ロック ¥150 provided courtesy of iTunes 【ハワイビール】 コナビール ロングボードラガー 355ml(缶)ジ…

Tonight somewhere in the bar

Banyan Drive of Hiro Island of Hawaii.The street trees on both sides of the road are streets with heavy weight called Banyan tree (^ ^) サマーヌード 土岐麻子 ポップ ¥200 provided courtesy of iTunes コナビール ビッグウェーブ ゴールデンエー…

Tonight somewhere in the bar

Waikiki Beach 15 years ago. It is said that beach sand is decreasing year by year, but how is it? Runnin' ファーサイド ヒップホップ/ラップ ¥250 provided courtesy of iTunes 【ハワイビール】 コナビール ロングボードラガー 355ml(缶)ジャンル:…