God made us “stewards,” or managers of all that we have, and all that we do. We recognize that everything we have truly belongs to God. God has given us His authority to expand His work and Kingdom through our lives and stewardship. Pray and seek the Lord’s guidance in expanding His Kingdom today. You are His ambassador.
ゴディバ (GODIVA) ラッピング トリュフ ミルク 5粒
- ジャンル: トリュフ
- ショップ: ゴディバ(GODIVA)
- 価格: 756円
http:// https://www.wowapp.com/w/kaoru.ikeda/
『2018年05月20日のつぶやき』Utsuke Bron|https://t.co/lQiujM7OHG
— 池田 薫 (@4YJO0BnZJ3ugTPV) 2018年5月21日