The Lord gave His people the Law and the 10 Commandments. Jesus was the only person who obeyed the law perfectly; He actually fulfilled the law, and then laid down His perfect life as a sacrifice for our sins. In Christ, we are no longer under “Law.” Jesus forgives and empowers believers to do good works in the prompting and power of the Holy Spirit. We are free in Him!
サントリー シングルモルト ウイスキー 山崎 NV 43度 700ml (専用BOX入) 【国産正規品】
- ジャンル: ジャパニーズウイスキー
- ショップ: 中央酒販
- 価格: 9,750円
— 池田 薫 (@4YJO0BnZJ3ugTPV) 2018年9月7日